Harvey Goldblatt

Harvey Goldblatt's picture
Prof Medieval Slavic Languages and Literatures
SSS 702
People Type: 

B.A. 1969 (with Great Distinction), McGill University, Russian
M.Phil.1972, Ph.D. 1978, Yale University, Slavic Languages and Literatures

The Cyrillo-Methodian tradition, the literary patrimony of Slavia Orthodoxa, medieval Balkan Slavic literature, poetics of medieval and premodern East Slavic literary civilization, Church Slavonic language speculation, Slavic language questions, the Igor´ Tale. 

Current Courses
Old Church Slavonic
Slavic Languages and Peoples
Topics in Medieval and Premodern East Slavic Literature
History of the Russian Literary Language
The Heroic Epic in Old Rus´ and Medieval European Literature
Russian Medieval Culture through Cinema (with John MacKay)

Recent and Forthcoming Publications

“Variance and Invariance in Cyrillo-Methodian Hagiographic Writings.” Festschrift for Norman W. Ingham (Russian History / Histoire Russe 33, nos. 2-4), 235-65. Idyllwild, CA: Charles Schlacks Publisher, 2006. 

“The Ukrainian Language in the Context of the Study of Sacred and Vulgar Tongues in Orthodox Slavdom.” In Harvard Ukrainian Studies 29 (2007), 149-92. 

“On the Nature and Function of Vita Constantini XVI and “Speaking in Tongues” in the “Cyrillo-Methodian Language Question.” In Slavia orthodoxa and Slavia romana: Essays Presented to Riccardo Picchio by his Students on the Occasion of his Eightieth Birthday, September 7, 2003. Yale Russian and East European Publications, no. 15, ed. H. Goldblatt, 117-52. New Haven: Yale Russian and East European Publications, 2008.

“Guidelines to the Study of the Literary Civilization of Orthodox Slavdom. In “Miscellanea Slavica.” Sbornik statej k 70-letiju Borisa Andreevicha Uspenskogo, 66-85. Moscow: “Indrik,” 2008.

“Between the Igor Tale and the Zadonščina: On Common Textual Material and Changing Contexts.” In Nel mondo degli Slavi. Incontri e dialoghi tra culture. Studi in onore di Giovanna Brogi Bercoff, ed. M. Di Salvo et al. Vol. 1, 233-54. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2008.

“Figural Readings and the Fashioning of Orthodox Slavic Identity: Once Again on Biblical ‘Thematic Clues’ in Kyivan Rus´ and Muscovy.” Transactions of the Association of Russian-American Scholars in the U.S.A. (Articles in Honor of Vladimir Alexandrov) 38 (2013), 79-108.

   “Isocolic Structures in the Igor´ Tale.” Russica Romana 2014, 57-87.

“Sacred Writings as Semantic Touchstones: On the Path from Sin of Pride to Salvific Redemption in the Igor´ Tale.” In Kesarevo Kesarju. Studi in onore di Cesare G. de Michelis, ed. M. Ciccarini et al., 139-56. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2014.

“Towards a New Compositional Design for the Slovo o polku Igoreve.” In Essays in Honor of George Grabowicz on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday (forthcoming).

Studies on the Medieval and Premodern Literary Civilization of Russia and Ukraine (Krakowsko-Wileńskie Studia Slawistyczne, vol. 7 / Seria Poświęcona  Starożytnościom Słowiańskim) (forthcoming).

R. Picchio, Studies on the Literary Tradition of Medieval Orthodox Slavdom. Edited, translated, and annotated by H. Goldblatt.  With introduction, notes, and commentary by H. Goldblatt.  2 vols. To be published by Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA) and Yale Russia and East European Publications (New Haven, CT) (forthcoming).  

“Autonomous Fragments or Structural Unity: Once Again on the Meaning and Composition of the Slovo o polku Igoreve.” To be published (in Russian) in H. Goldblatt, Models and Patterns in the Literary Civilization of Slavia Orthodoxa (forthcoming).