Dasom Kim
Research Interest
Interrelationship between textuality and visuality; oscillation between fiction and reality; phenomenology of spectatorship; Soviet cinema; Russian avant-garde movement; literary theory; film theory; medium theory
Dasom, K. “Aesthetics of Connection: Dziga Vertov’s Film Theory and Man with a Movie Camera,” 2020 (Master’s thesis)
Dasom, K. Bora, C., “Andrei Bitov’s “The Inevitability of the Unwritten”: A Game with the Writer in the Mask of a Translator,” Korean Journal of Russian Language and Literature, Vol. 30, No. 4 (December 2018): 65-94.
M.A. in Russian Literature, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Russian Literature, 2020
B.A. in Russian Studies Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 2017
Exchange student in St. Petersburg State University, 2015