Ana Berdinskikh received the Dorris Hastings International Distinguished Engagement Award to study BCS at the 2016 Critical Languages Institute at Arizona State University.
Anastasia Kostina’s translation of the selected writings of Esfir Shub, the first Soviet woman filmmaker, was published in the Summer 2016 issue of Feminist Media Histories, a special issue on Found Footage: Women Without a Movie Camera.
Mina Magda received an ADSEEES Travel Grant to attend the 2016 national ASEEES Convention in Washington, D.C.
Ingrid Nordgaard was an Arnold Fellow in 2015-2016. She recently published “We have been traveling for weeks now” in Palimpsest: Yale Literary and Arts Magazine, and has a forthcoming publication in September 2016, “Documenting/Performing the Wounded Body: Pain and Agency in Works by Boris Mikhailov and Petr Pavlensky” in Contemporaneity: Historical Presence in Visual Culture.
Svetlana Tcareva successfully completed an internship at the State Literary Museum in Moscow in July 2016.