Krystyna Illakowicz
Fall 2024 office hours: Monday and Wednesday 12:00-1:30pm and by appointment
M.A. 1975 and ABD, 1980, Warsaw University
Ph.D. 1998 New York University, Comparative literature, specialization in Polish Language and Literature
Research Interests
Polish language and culture in the global context, theatre and language acquisition, theatre, film, Polish and European modernity, Polish women and history.
Current Courses
Elementary Polish, Intermediate Polish, Polish Communist and Post-communist Reality in Film and Literature, Polish Transformations: From Solidarity to the European Union (Summer course, in Kraków)
Recent Publications:
“Życie jako performans“ (Life as Performance) – an article about Andrzej T. Wirth.DidaskaliaTheatre Magazine, October 2008.
“Gombrowicz’s Publication Struggles: America and Its Publishers.” In
Gombrowicz: Our Contemporary. Kraków: Universitas, 2008. (forthcoming)
„Polonistyka w świetle globalnego kryzysu humanistyki“(Polish Studies in the Global Context) – a paper presented at the Polish Studies in the World conference in Kraków, Poland.
Work in Progress
Gombrowicz and America.
Slowness and Culture.
Polish Women and History: Zofia Nałkowska.
Theatre as a community.