John MacKay

John MacKay's picture
Prof Slav Lang & Lit & REES and Film Studies; Interim Chair
HQ 128
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Fall 2023 office hours: Fridays 3-5pm or by appointment

B.A. 1987 (English), University of British Columbia; 1989, Certificate in Russian, Pushkin Institute, Moscow; Ph. D. 1998, Yale University (Comparative Literature)

19th- and 20th-century Russian literature, Russian and Soviet culture, comparative literature, literary and cultural theory, film studies (esp. film theory and documentary cinema)

Current courses
Russian Culture: The Modern Age; Old Russian Culture Through Cinema; 19th-Century Russian Culture Through Cinema; Russian Film; The Utopian Imagination in Russia; Slavery and Serfdom in Russian and American Literature; Issues in Contemporary Film Theory

Recent Publications:

Dziga-Vertov: Life and Work (vol-1: 1896-1921)

True Songs of Freedom

Disorganized Noise: ‘Enthusiasm’ and the Ear of the Collective. (KinoKultura Journal)

Inscription and Modernity: From Wordsworth to Mandelstam (Indiana University Press)

Allegory and Accommodation: Vertov’s Three Songs of Lenin (1934) as a Stalinist Film (forthcoming in Film History: revised 1 Nov 2006)