Katerina Clark

Katerina Clark's picture
B.E. Bensinger Professor of Comparative Literature and of Slavic Languages and Literatures


B.A. (Honors) 1963, Melbourne University, Australia; M.A. (Honors) 1967, Australian National University; M. Phil., 1967, Ph.D., 1971, Russian Literature, Yale University.

Russian culture of the twentieth century (literature, theater, film, art and architecture, opera, linguistics and scientific thought) with emphasis on the 1920s, the 1930s and the recent period.

Previous Graduate Courses
Art and Ideology; The Myth of Petersburg in Russian Literature; Russian Literature and Culture of the 1920s and 1930s; The Performing Arts in Twentieth Century Russia; Post-Stalin Literature and Film (1953-present)


Moscow, the Fourth Rome: Stalinism, Cosmopolitanism and the Evolution of Soviet Culture, 1931-1941

Moscow, the Fourth Rome breaches the intellectual iron curtain that has circumscribed cultural histories of Stalinist Russia, by broadening the framework to include considerable interaction with Western intellectuals and trends.  In so doing it provides a new polemical and political context for understanding canonical works of writers such as Brecht, Benjamin, Lukacs, and Bakhtin.  

The Soviet Novel: History As Ritual. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981. Paperback edition with a new Afterword, University of Chicago Press, 1985. Third edition with new and updated Afterword, Indiana University Press, 2000.

Mikhail Bakhtin (with Michael Holquist). Cambridge: The Belknap Press [Harvard University Press], 1984, 1985; paperback 1986. Translations have appeared in Japanese, Italian, Portuguese, and Chinese.

Petersburg, Crucible of Cultural Revolution. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1995. Paperback edition 1998.